Small Business
Often, businesses are the best investments. We regularly recommend clients buy or start businesses, or further develop existing businesses, wherever a client is suited to this by inclination, personality or training. The extra economic benefits, improved tax planning and, hopefully, the CGT free profit on the ultimate sale of the business mean this is an option clients cannot afford to overlook. In this ebook, we look at the business plan, staffing and time management aspects of a successful business.
Financial Planning for Doctors
Please enjoy reading our new ebook written exclusively for doctors. The economics of medicine mean that doctors, more than any other professionals, need to think differently about their financial management. This book shows you how best to approach finances to maximise not only your financial satisfaction, but your personal and professional satisfaction as well.
Debt and Debt Management
Debt and its effective management can make all the difference to your financial wellbeing. Almost nobody can get ahead financially without using some debt – even if it is simply a home mortgage that lets you buy the all-important family home. But not all debt is the same. And just as the right kind of debt can make a huge positive difference to your finances, so the wrong kind of debt can be a true millstone around your neck.
This month, we have published a comprehensive ebook on debt and how to manage it as effectively as possible. The ebook shows you how to get the most out of debt while avoiding the common (and not so common) pitfalls that can trip up unwary borrowers. So please read on, and, as always, feel free to get in touch with us to discuss any aspect of your financial management. We would love to hear from you.
7 Things Every Business Owner Should Know
This ebook sets out various practical ways to help you manage your super and your business as successfully as possible.
Beginner’s Guide to Superannuation
Superannuation, or super as most people call it, is a cornerstone of most people’s personal financial management.